Fundamental Search Engine Optimization Steps for Every New Website

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Are you building a new website for your company? Then, apart from aesthetics and functionality, you should ensure your website is SEO-friendly. It means you should also prepare it for the SEO race by incorporating all the elements necessary to establish its search engine presence and enhance its performance with time. Accordingly, BrainMine, trusted as the best SEO company in Bangalore, talks about the basic SEO steps that every new website should know.

  1. Select the Right Domain Name

At the outset, you need a short and effective domain name. It will serve as your website’s address on the internet. Hence, you need a concise and impactful domain name that helps attract more traffic and establishes your brand identity. Some features of a catchy domain name include words describing the niche topic, words with less than 15 characters, avoiding numbers, hyphens, and symbols, and ensuring uniqueness.

  1. Outline the Website Structure

Site structure refers to the way you organize and link your web pages. It plays a significant role in the website’s user experience. A website structure will include the site’s skeleton i.e., the pages the site should have – homepage, about us, contact, services, etc. Keep the navigation as simple as possible so that users spend more time on the website.

  1. Set Up Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a Google tool that enables you to monitor and troubleshoot your site’s performance in Google searches. Hire professional SEO services in Bangalore to help you setup Google Search Console.

  1. Learn from Your Competitors

Never ignore your competitors, no matter whether they are big brands or sprouting ones like you. Review their websites, assess their performance and identify the reasons for their SEO performance and success. Seek inspiration. Of course, you shouldn’t copy them. But there’s nothing wrong in learning from someone and improving yourself.

  1. Research Keywords and Create Content

Keywords are among the building blocks of SEO. Accordingly, you should research keywords, identify the best-suited ones, analyze them, and use them while creating content for the website. Even while building content, make sure your content is SEO-friendly. Being SEO-friendly refers to writing content that’s authoritative, relevant, authentic, and readable. Besides, the content you create should satisfy the user’s intent. That’s because users love engaging with content that addresses their queries and concerns. And if users love it, search engines also adore it! 

  1. Identify and Repair Website Issues

Audit your site’s performance regularly to identify issues and fix them before they swell and begin affecting user experience. However, site audit is a technical aspect of SEO. Hence, it is advisable to have the best SEO company in Bangalore by your side to audit your website comprehensively and effectively. 

  1. Ensure Mobile Responsiveness

These days, most people view websites on their mobile phones. Google also appreciates and rewards websites that respond well to mobile phones. However, mobile responsiveness is something you need to address while designing the website so that the website performs seamlessly and delivers a consistent user experience when viewed on a mobile screen.

Need SEO Support? Partner with a Trusted Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Bangalore!

Search engines drive most of the web traffic and business stemming from the virtual medium. Hence, as a website looking to leverage the digital medium, you cannot ignore the potential opportunities search engines can bring to your doorstep. Of course, that won’t happen in a day or two or overnight. But with consistent and targeted efforts, you can bring your website to your user’s notice and transform it into an asset. We are here to help you. so, connect with us if you are looking for SEO services in Bangalore. Email us at to explore more about our SEO services and support.

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